John said to dmb:
...demonization polarizes and makes change into a power struggle and 
conservatives insist upon having all the guns so it's a losing strategy. ...And 
I believe we've all fallen prey to that same bug-a-boo of demonizing 
opposition.  3rd level and 4th do often conflict, but they are intricately 
interwoven and it might be more accurately analogized as a dance, rather than a 

dmb says:
Pirsig describes this conflict as a century long hurricane involving war and 
lesser ideological conflicts involved. To call it a "dance" is pretty far off 
the mark, I think. It also seems quite inaccurate and more than a little 
condescending to characterize my complaints as a "demonization" or 
polarization, especially since I was complaining about the demonization of 

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