Hi Dan,

That's interesting. I've heard of burning man but never had the money
> to make the trip. Running my own business is great but it also means I
> don't get paid while I'm away. How do they handle food and water and
> stuff like that? Is it free? Is there a barter system in place?
They inspect your vehicle and quiz you to make sure you got enough when you
enter.  And there's no official barter system but an informal one is

> I don't know where creativity comes from but I agree its source
> probably has nothing to do with money. Unless of course a person has
> lots of time to do their art because they have fat stacks. The old
> 'starving artist' adage is many times more fact than fiction. I
> remember Hemingway writing about how he liked living in France because
> the breakfast rolls were cheap. A Moveable Feast? I think so but don't
> quote me on it.

I think there's a hidden truth in the old adage about necessity as the
mother of invention.  If you have lots of money then your necessities are
already met.  But Tuukka and I have discussed this and he makes the point
that a complete lack of money can be just as uninspiring as too much.  So
I'm sure its a balance.  My favorite story on the subject of creativity
born of poverty is by Roberto Rodriguez. - Rebel Without a Crew.  He sold
himself for a month of medical experiments in order to raise enough money
($5000) to shoot his first flick and his re-telling of that adventure
showed amazing creativity.

Take care,

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