Quick Ant note to Microsoft:  Why don't you - one day - produce a simple e-mail 
program were the writer can just send in basic text to an internet discussion 
group without the formatting always being f**ked-up; instead of producing ever 
more unreliable, ever "so-clever" control freak type of software? (WINDOWS 8  - 
"the shopping channel operating system" - has got to be the ultimate in these 


Ant note to MOQ Discuss- Please find a refined version of my earlier post, sent 
to Discuss earlier this evening:

IaN said to DMB, February 24th 2014:

I can't understand your reason for an MoQ 101 statement of the bleedin' 
obvious?  You even confirm that was your point.  ...The biggest straw man 
conceivable, to even suggest any MD reader could think otherwise. Let's have 
something constructive.

Ant comments:

Firstly, to be slightly pedantic here it’s officially “ZMM”, “LILA” and MOQ”.  
That’s how they are on Pirsig’s computer keyboards.  God knows how much time 
and money the poor guy went to alter his keyboards to incorporate these special 
“MOQ” keys...  Anyway, using the incorrect form of the Pirsig’s acronyms (such 
as “MoQ”) starts us in the slippery road to imprecision which is exactly what 
you don’t want in a philosophical discussion.  IMhO.

DMB responded to IaN Feb 24th 2014:

I can understand why you'd be upset, IaN, because you are definitely one of the 
anti-intellectuals that does "think otherwise". In many ways and on many 
occasions you have equated all kinds of careful thinking with SOM and even 
condemned the use of precise definitions as "a feature of
SOMist thinking".  For example,...

Last August 19th IaN said to Arlo Bensinger:

"Now, I'm not deliberately"equating" SOMism with objective definitions, but 
even in your re-statement includes ".... objective, scientistic, definitional 
logic.... is a feature of SOMist intellectual expression" - so clearly there is 
a strong relation/dependency between subjects / objects / relations having 
logically workable definitions, and SOMism."

Ant McWatt comments:

If IaN had used the term "syllogistic" instead of say, "scientistic", he
would have made a good point here.  (Anyway, he didn’t).  It would
also be better to use the word “impartial” instead of “objective” in this 
  This is because the term “objective” - as
anyone who has read Di Santo’s & Steele’s “Guidebook to ZMM” and/or my PhD text
on the MOQ would realise - is such a “slippery” word (for a pragmatist
philosopher at least). It is nearly an absolutely useless term certainly for
philosophical discussion (and probably for scientific and "folk" use too).

DMB charmingly continued Feb 24th:

Because Arlo had complained about IaN's mistake to IaN: 

"The problem is, to go all the way back to the beginning, is that you want to 
equate 'coherence' with 'objectivist/scientistic/SOMist'(along with 
definitional and logical), and this is a misuse of the term 'SOM'."

On August 15th, you seemed to suggest that coherence and valid arguments are 
some kind of "choking dogma":

IaN then responded to Arlo:

"In order to free oneself from the choking dogma of intellectual patterns .... 
one does have to recognise that the dogma of what counts as
coherent - valid argumentation - is itself such an intellectual pattern."

Ant McWatt comments:

Oh dear.  It looks like yet another MOQ Discuss contributor missed the point of 
Paul Turner’s carefully crafted “Two Contexts” paper (or being so smart 
themselves, couldn’t see the point of reading it): 


You know I wish people would start looking at this material by Paul Turner 
before mouthing off here and misleading other people.  

No wonder Dave Buchanan strongly suspects IaN GleNdinning’s CD collection 
contains only 138 various remixes of the Beach Boys “Pet Sounds” outtake: “Hang 
onto your Ego”! Dave keeps writing to me off-line; “Ant, you gotta write and 
tell Brian Wilson where those lost outtakes are”.  You can’t let GleNdiNing 
keep hold of them for himself!”

(BTW IaN, Dave does have a good point here.   Capitol Records are still looking 
for many of these “lost” outtakes of “Hang onto your Ego” and they should 
really be returned to the Capitol Records building – found at the historic 
intersection of Hollywood & Vine in Hollywood - where they belong).  

Anyway, enough bitchin’ as my US cousins are oft to say on such heated 

DMB continued Feb 24th: 

Because Arlo had said to IaN:

"Like Marsha, you seem to think that incoherence is a necessary 'step' to free 
oneself from the choking dogma of intellectual patterns."

Ant McWatt comments:

Who?!!!  Has Dr McWatt been smoking too much exotic substances recently?!  Is 
he hallucinating?! (DMB mentioned THE “M “word at Discuss - you brave if 
reckless man, Buchanan.  I could see the sweat come off Andre’s forehead as he 
read your last sentence!  ;-)  ).

(My Bart Simpson moment of the day.  Heh, heh, heh…)

DMB continued Feb 24th:

Arlo (or rather St. Arlo as he has the patience of a saint - judging by the 
idiots he's dealt with here in the past - hence my saintly nickname for him) 
continued to IaN:

January 10th you seemed to be saying objectivity is equal to the "philosophical 
academe agenda" (whatever that is):

"Those on the philosophical academe agenda, the LILA half… 

Ant comments:

So ZMM isn’t intellectual then?  Bloody hell, I hope Jesus is coming back soon 
because we’re going to need him…

IaN had continued to Arlo:

…clearly seem intent on subsuming whatever qualities MOQ has (had) into some 
objective subject-object dialectic.  For me these are welcome to their own 
agenda, I respect their rights to do so – in an academic context. 

Ant comments:

That’s awfully generous of you, Mr G, old chap.

IaN G continued to Arlo: 

What I can't accept is this agenda subsuming the whole art & rhetoric of ZMM of 
MD, which only flourishes without the overly objective shackles."

DMB responded Feb 24th:

You have been spewing this kind of confused drivel for very long time. 

Ant comments: 

Well, to be absolutely honest here (!), I must admit the term “bullshit” did 
appear in my mind when I read IaN's last comment even before I
read Dave’s similar response to his best-est Discuss buddy (as you can see 
above and below):

Sleep tight now everyone!  

Dr McWatt

P.S. Ian, despite the above criticism, many thanks for the reference to the 
Daniel Kahneman BBC TV documentary (about how we supposedly make decisions) by 
the way.  It looks very good.  I have recorded it though it can be also be seen 
anywhere around the world for the next five days at the BBC i-player webpage by 
anyone (unless, of course, you happen to live in those bastions of free speech 
and human rights, China and north Korea... the leading country for "cutting 
edge" haircuts):



DMB concluded (to Ian) Feb 24th:  

You even like to suggest that applying "academic" standards would kill the MOQ 
and that I am the murderer. Your anti-intellectualism is actually quite 
aggressive and personal etc, etc.


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