Dave said "anti-intellectualism"
Ian says "straw-man"

Dave also said "sort of"
Dennett says "sorta"
Ian says "kinda"

Ian concludes "progress".

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 11:51 PM, david <dmbucha...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Arlo said to dmb:
> Yes, I think Goya's thoughts align more with ZMM's synthesis of classic and 
> romantic understanding than with LILA's DQ/SQ. It was with his statement that 
> "Imagination abandoned by reason produces impossible monsters" that I was 
> squinting a bit and seeing the necessary harmony between DQ and SQ come 
> through (something like "DQ abandoned by SQ produces chaos"), but this was 
> only an exercise in vague symmetry.
> dmb says:
> Yes, we get the same idea (don't abandon reason) where Pirsig says, 
> "classical, structured, dualistic subject object knowledge, although 
> necessary, isn't enough. You have to have some feeling for the quality of the 
> work. You have to have a sense of what's good."
> And that's the problem with anti-intellectualism. We do not want the kind of 
> intellectualism that cuts off imagination or prevents us from seeing Quality 
> but to abandon reason is to invite impossible monsters. It's regressive, 
> reactionary, devolutionary, and even immoral.
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