"healthy scepticism" is indeed a requirement of any worthwhile discourse.
But of course it's neither the point, nor the whole of such discourse.
Having cultivated a healthy scepticism, the point is constructive
creativity towards new meaningful hypotheses.
It's crude "scientism" to think the way to arrive at truth is
falsification and critical thinking, that's simply a way to test
potential truths. The easy bit.


On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 9:24 PM, david <dmbucha...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> "The study of philosophy cultivates a healthy scepticism about the moral 
> opinions, political arguments and economic reasonings with which we are daily 
> bombarded by ideologues, churchmen, politicians and economists. It teaches 
> one to detect ‘higher forms of nonsense’, to identify humbug, to weed out 
> hypocrisy, and to spot invalid reasoning. It curbs our taste for nonsense, 
> and gives us a nose for it instead. It teaches us not to rush to affirm or 
> deny assertions, but to raise questions about them.
> Even more importantly, it teaches us to raise questions about questions, to 
> probe for their tacit assumptions and presuppositions, and to challenge these 
> when warranted. In this way it gives us a distance from passion-provoking 
> issues – a degree of detachment that is conducive to reason and 
> reasonableness."
> http://iainews.iai.tv/articles/why-study-philosophy-auid-289
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