Hi Platt and all,

> > > > The Universe is true to its nature. This is the celestial order of all
> > > > things.
> > >
> >
> > If you don't believe that, there is no point in doing science!

> Would you be so good as to elaborate. For example, "The Universe is
> true to its nature" is a tautology--the Universe is true to the Universe.
> What am I missing?

It is indeed a tautology, or to put it another way a TRUISM.
It's like saying "two parallel lines never meet".

I LIKE tautologies.

> Also, doesn't "celestial" refer to the spiritual or divine? You won't get a
> lot of agreement on your assertion from hard-nosed scientists,
> especially the idea that you must believe in something divine to do
> science.

It's not necessarily a reference to the spiritual. Astronomers see quite happy
with the term "Celestial bodies". If the word causes problems, I am happy to
drop it.

> Finally, the "order" in the Universe is a man-made conception as you've
> rightly pointed out before. Yet most scientists take it for granted that an
> order exists in the universe--independent of our conceptions--that
> mathematics and measurement can uncover.

It is a man-made assumption that has proved invaluable. Without that
assumption, nothing has meaning and nothing has value - quality disintegrates
(therefore reality disintegrates !!!??).
To ask where the order comes from, whether it is subjective or objective, is
to miss the point of the MoQ.

> So I question whether most scientists would "welcome" your
> statement. It would be interesting to test it with a poll. Or, have I
> misread your statement and that what you meant was laymen and
> technicians would welcome your statement?

I suppose that everyone can check that for themselves and report back.


PS. to Platt . . .

"hydrogen and oxygen atoms combine to create water because" it is in their
NATURE to do so.

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