
Interesting post.  I never realized that about Vermont.  But, you also have 
to realize that the SF Bay area is much more populated than Alaska or 
Vermont, inevitably creating more crime.  People in big cities can buy guns 
from arms dealers fairly easily (i think), so maybe gun control laws wont do 
a whole lot in that respect. 

The founding fathers existed 200 years ago, it's a different country now.  Do 
you honestly believe the military is going to turn against the people of this 
country and the only defenders will be gun owners?  Well, in any case, i dont 
think they'll invade Danville, Illinois, so i should be safe.  

In the fifties and before, things were much more stable in general than they 
are now.  There were less people, for starters.  The perecentage of people 
who loved and respected the country was no doubt much higher than now.  There 
are people within our borders who hate our government and see terrorism as a 
way of life.  Also, shooting up an office or school wasnt a guarantee of 
celebrity status, like it is now.  

Lastly, if you know of any websites for or against gun control with 
statistics on all this stuff, that would be helpful.  Not that i even care 
much about statistics, i just need a little bit of concreteness for this 


PS  there was a great Simpsons episode about gun control, i dont know if 
youve seen it, where Homer says, 'Lisa, if i didn't have a gun the King of 
England could just come in here and start pushing you around.  Do you want 
that?  Do you?' and more about how 'the constitution states that everyone 
must own a gun.'

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