
I guess you would need more specifics to properly analyze my example.  Let's 
say that this guy pulls a gun on you in a dark alley and says, 'give me your 
wallet or i'll kill you.'  Let's say you have a gun he doesnt see, and you 
can either give him the wallet and be on your way, or kill him and keep your 
wallet.  Would it be 'good' to kill that person?  

I thought gun control laws also involved a background check, which i think is 
very important.  I think that in order to purchase a firearm one should have 
to offer proof that he needs it and proof that he is competent enough to use 
it properly and keep it away from children and such.  How many stories have 
you heard about morons who dont hide their guns properly from kids?  i 
remember last year reading about a first grader who murdered a classmate of 
his with a gun that was kept in his house.  I dont know a damn thing about 
Vermont other than the fact that you keep mentioning it as defense for your 
position.  What are any significant statistics you have about Vermont?  Id 
like to know.  

About the story, i dont know the name of the guy who killed himself.  A 
singer from a punk band called 'Tuesday' told the story at a show.  Whether 
or not he made it up or not, i dont know, but i dont see why he would, so i 
believed it.  Anyway, you can look at the suicide and say, 'this guy was 
crazy, if he didn't shoot himself he would have killed himself another way.'  
But you can also say that with this guy's background, he could have killed 
other people with his gun as well.  I dont have a problem with people who use 
their guns responsibly, but there are too many who dont.  If you strengthened 
gun control laws, it would be more of an inconvenience im sure for the 
responsible ones to get guns, but it would prevent a lot of psychos from 
getting guns in the first place, which is well worth it in my eyes. 


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