Heya Folks,

Translationwise this html -> xhtml conversion is a pain in the neck ...

In itself the conversion (which is a good thing) shouldn't really need cause huge differences in the files. Rearranging the text, updating all anchors and links within the file at the same time is causing a shitload of work for translators.

Here's my practice at the moment:

1) Take a diff of the original html and upgraded xhtml file.

2) Rid the diff of all tags, both html and xhtml.

3) Compare the text that's left in the diff.

4a) If 3) didn't show too many differences, copy the upgraded xhtml into
    the translation and merge translated contents of the html file.

4b) If 3) shows no comparison, discard the translated html file, copy
    the xhtml file and translate it (again).

This leads me to the following questions:

Who's in charge of the conversion to xhtml?

Would it be possible to split work on the file into a couple of updates instead of one gigantic like currently happens?

Suggested update scheme:

1) html -> xhtml conversion (leaves text intact only brushes tags)
2) Apply anchor/link naming convention
3) Rearrange text if needs be


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