On 2004-01-17, fantasai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon Paquet wrote:
>> So, any suggestions for the document here?
>> (for example bug description and/or summary are clearer,
>> a patch is already attached, a lot of people are already
>> CC'ed, etc.)
> You can take out the "for example" and the linking verbs
> (is, are).

Heh... those weren't there in an earlier draft - they were inserted at my
suggestion :)  You can't just put a list into the middle of a sentence,
even if it is in brackets, IMHO.  But that's not important...

>> Also bugs on websites, which are the result of bad coding
>> or use of proprietary technology,
> bugs *in* websites *that result from* bad coding or use of
> proprietary technology [no comma]

What we're talking about here is websites not displaying as intended in
Mozilla. That, as your change makes clearer, is a result, not a cause.

Better would be:
Reports of problems with websites that result from bad coding or use of
proprietary technology should also not be INVALIDated, but instead moved
to the Tech Evangelism product.

>> Verifying DUPLICATEs is the easiest task, so you should start with it.
> start with that.

Simon seems to have misinterpreted this one (or maybe I have and I don't
agree with you).

This should read:
Verifying DUPLICATEs is the easiest task, so start with that.

Also, in the next bullet, about verifying invalid, it has "INVALID'ated"
instead of "INVALIDated" as elsewhere.

> Try imagining yourself just starting out. What would you
> need to know and what's just fluff?
> Coding
> ------
> b) Don't use emphasis (<strong>) for codes.
>    <code> is more appropriate.

Not all of these have been changed (e.g. talking about blocker and
critical severity).

In any case, I think it makes the document hard to read.  Is it necessary
to use <code> tags each time the document mentions "product" or
"component"?  I'd be inclined to use <code> just for the values, and leave
the field names as normal text.

> c) Don't use capital letters for emphasis.
>    Use <strong class="stronger">, if you need to.

I think there's a bit too much emphasis generally in this doc.  If you're
emphasising words in several sentences next to each other, it might be
best to work out which is the most important to emphasise, and drop the
other emphasis.

One other thing I just spotted is "(ftp, http, IMAP)" - should either be
all lowercase, or all uppercase (probably all upper).

Nice to see all these people helping out with this doc.  Would be nice if
the maintainers of some other docs would facilitate doing this kind of

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