On 2004-01-07, Gervase Markham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Simon Paquet wrote:
>> The problem, that there is no documentation about what people should or
>> should not do when having privileges. 
> What about the Bugzilla Etiquette document?

That covers comments you shouldn't make, and also has one line about
changing fields (which does indeed overlap).  It doesn't say what you
should do though.

>> At the moment people have to tell
>> future triagers the same stuff everytime they upgrade permissions.
> Who is upgrading permissions regularly apart from me?

Asa, for one. If there are going to be regular bugdays, I assume he will
continue to do that regularly. And then there are other people who do it

Out of interest, what instructions do you give people when you upgrade
their permissions?

>>>Are there are large number of cases of people misusing their privileges? 
>>>What are the most common mistakes people make?
>> - People resolve bugs as WFM, INVALID, or WONTFIX when they shouldn't
> What do you mean by "when they shouldn't"?

Well that's in the document. :)  Pretty much nobody should be resolving
things as WONTFIX unless they're a module owner or peer.  And people
shouldn't be resolving things as WFM, just because it does work for them.
In fact it's probably mis-named, we need a 

>>>The instructions for upgrading privileges should match those outlined on 
>>>http://www.gerv.net/hacking/before-you-mail-gerv.html .
>> If they are consensus, fine. 
> Consensus? They are the _law_, dude :-)

If this doc says that the procedure is to email you, then you can
certainly define the procedure, and this doc should reflect that :)

But going back to the point above, you're not the only person with
editusers privileges.  Even if everything does go through one person, it's
still better to have stuff documented, so that procedures are transparent,
and can be picked up easily if that one person goes away (of course I hope
you won't be going anywhere, but one never knows)

> If so, such developers should be contacting me with the names of people 
> they think are not using their privileges correctly.

They probably should, but it's a lot less effort for them to just correct
the mistake and tell the person not to do it again, which is I imagine
what you would do anyway in most cases, isn't it?

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