On 2004-01-07, James Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the section about changing the target milestone, you state that 
> Target Milestone "must not be changed". Does this policy apply to bugs 
> with target milestones in the past? (I suppose it might, since that 
> makes it easy to see which bugs missed the last milestone. On the 
> otherhand, I don't think that anyone pays any attention to target 
> milestone amyway). If it does apply to milestones in the past, lots of 
> people get this wrong.

It does apply to milestones in the past, and lots of people do get it
wrong.  The field is there for the bug owner (and/or someone line managing
the bug owner, which could be case for Netscape staff previously) to
organise their own work.  If the bug owner doesn't bother to update
the field, that's their problem.  Leading people to believe that they can
figure out when a bug will be fixed by looking at the target milestone is
a mistake.

> Is it true that only "severe" security exploits are critical? It might 
> be nice to link some other document such as 
> http://www.mozilla.org/projects/security/security-bugs-policy.html at 
> this point.

I don't think I've seen anything about security exploits being "critical"
- the stuff in bugzilla says critical is crashes, hangs, data loss or
severe memory leak.  I guess a remote arbitrary code execution problem
would come under critical because it could cause data loss, but I've seen
serious security bugs given "major".

> Bug flags
> Well after seeing the blocking status of 
> http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_activity.cgi?id=228672 change blocking 
> status 11 times and account for about 50% of the bug comments, I think 
> we'd be better if bugzilla enforced the "don't set +/- unless you're a 
> driver / module owner" rule. But that's tangential to this document.

I don't think anyone disagrees that it would be better - if anyone wants
to write the code for it, then patches are accepted. :)

> Incidentially, is <a name="foo"> still prefered over <a id="foo">? 

I don't know the official position, but I'd say yes. The name attrib works
in older browsers, id doesn't.  Mozilla.org docs are supposed to aim for
HTML 4 strict, and 'name' is fine for that.

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