I wonder why you're still posting in here if you don't want to use Mozilla

Your comments are uncalled for, not helping, and just plainly annoying. To
put it shortly, "shut up".

(and btw, i know more and more people _using_ Mozilla _on_Win32_, so there
_are_ quite many "out there")

"JTK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> barney wrote:
> >
> > I'm curious why mozilla is branching with a top crasher bug not yet
> >
> > http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114377
> >
> > IMO, leaving this bug in 0.9.7 will make it pretty unusable, definitely
> > degraded, for a lot of Windows users.
> Yeah, but how many of them are out there? ;-)
> >  It's hard to imagine anyone using
> > a release where you can't right-click on images or you'll crash.  I
> > personally think it should have been a blocker bug, but that's just me,
> > I guess. :-\  I backed down to the 11/28 build until this gets fixed.
> > It was killing me trying to open links in new tabs. :-(
> >
> > Or is this a less-serious bug than I think it is?
> Did you ever try Netscape 6.0?  That abomination was more bug than
> burger, and they let it out the door.  If you're asking AOL And Company
> how serious a bug has to be to block release, you couldn't be asking in
> a more wrong direction friend.

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