"JTK" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> "Sören Kuklau" wrote:
> > I wonder why you're still posting in here if you don't want to use
> > anyways.

> On the absolute contrary my Deutchlander friend,

Oh you guessed right, I'm from Germany. Now what?

> I *desperately* want to use Mozilla, at least the newsreader.


> I and the rest of the world can clearly see that Mozilla's browser can
never approach the usability,
> stability, and quality of IE6,

No? It can't? Why not?

> but there still is no real subsitute to NS 4.7x's newsreader.  And NS
4.7x's newsreader is very long in the tooth.  I had such high hopes that
Mozilla's would be so
> much better than 4.7x's....  After disappointment heaped upon
disappoinment, I no longer hope.  It's clear the whole of Mozilla will never
be anything more than a
> rickety old pig, not worthy of running the same race with it's forefather,
let alone other offerings.

Well... then you needn't follow the discussion any longer, or do you?

> Oh look, I just right-clicked in 4.7x's email composer.  Guess what I
> saw - yep, a CONTEXT MENU!  Undo, copy, cut, paste... they're all there!

Well... there's the Edit menu where all these are also there. And I guess
they'll soon also be available via context menu.

> > Your comments are uncalled for, not helping, and just plainly annoying.
> > put it shortly, "shut up".

> My comments are right on the mark, since nobody seems to realize what a
> horrific state this project is in.

Maybe nobody seems to realize it because it's simply not true?

> Has been in since inception.  They are intended to be annoying enough that
somebody will take ten minutes
> and correct a gross defect such as "no context menu" and then I'll have
> nothing to bitch about.  I gave up trying to help directly (as in
> coding) quite a while ago when I realized just how much of a
> stranglehold AOL has over this "open" project.

Well at least you tried to...

> > (and btw, i know more and more people _using_ Mozilla _on_Win32_, so
> > _are_ quite many "out there")
> >
> Have you seen the numbers?  You don't want to.

No, I don't want to... I use it happily and if others don't, that's not my

Btw, this news message was written on Microsoft Outlook Express 6.0 on a
Microsoft Windows XP Professional system. And not with MozillaNews. Why not?
Because in my opinion, MozillaMail and MozillaNews aren't yet good enough to
make the switch.

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