"Ian Thomas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Sören Kuklau wrote:
> > Btw, this news message was written on Microsoft Outlook Express 6.0 on a
> > Microsoft Windows XP Professional system. And not with MozillaNews. Why
> > Because in my opinion, MozillaMail and MozillaNews aren't yet good
enough to
> > make the switch.

> As I was reading your message I kept wondering why all the quoting was
> broken (wrapping quoted lines).
> I remember it used to be a problem, but I hadn't noticed it in the
> mozilla newsgroups for a while.

I was too lazy to wrap it properly because I was actually fed up with Mister
JTK when writing that message.

> Have you tried mozilla mailnews recently? They are much better than they
> used to be, and they are meant to be getting more attention as we
> approach 1.0

I know that they're improving a lot, and I tried it, but it's still not
enough for me to switch. I think I will at Mozilla 1.0.

Sören Kuklau

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