"Geoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Well, that seems an excellent analogy Soren,

thanks :-)

> and I have learned much from this thread. I can only wish the Tech
Evangelists good fortune.

Yes, me too. It's an important task, and difficult too.

> I am on their side.  Even so, I am lucky enough to be able to pay for my
> if I need to - I support open source because it is better not because it
> is cheaper - and I would willingly pay top dollar for a linux Moz-like
> browser that could render anything the web could throw at it.

I doubt that's going to happen. Mozilla "happened" mainly due to funding
from AOL TimeWarner (through Netscape), Redhat and others. Same goes to most
other open-source software - there has to be some money here and there. (for
instance: Konqueror => part of KDE => funding through SuSE, Mandrake, etc.
to my knowledge)

So, it would need to be an organisation with at least as much finance as
Mozilla.org and with the aim to even surpass Mozilla's "Gecko / NGLayout"
engine. Highly unlikely.

What can be done is to use the engine but not use other stuff like XUL,
XPFE, etc. which some consider bloat. The result would be products like
K-Meleon and Galeon, which do have its advantages too.

In the long term, the idea of Mozilla to be as standards compliant as
possible and to try to ignore non-standard stuff will hopefully succeed and
be copied by Opera, Konqueror, iCab, others, and - gasp! - Internet

I wish you a happy new year (by your e-mail address, you seem to be living
in the UK, so you have nearly 2 hours to go) and a lot of fun with Mozilla,
Sören Kuklau

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