Where's your post?!

"Chris Lee" <nospam@nospam> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Sören Kuklau wrote:
> > "JS" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> >
> >>  I just thought I'd add my 2c, and this is not a flame, the question
> >>was eloquently put and I am in the same category - I consider myself an
> >>avid enthusiast;I absolutley admire this technology and those that have
> >>the where-with-all to put all of this together for the rest of us to use
> >>in our everyday work and recreation. One really interesting aspect of
> >>all of this is that everyone can have completely different experiences
> >>using the exact same software but on different OS's or machines. I, for
> >>one, have had a very different experience using the Mozilla builds, I've
> >>actually rid my system of of Netscape 4.x and 6.x, 6.x seems to be about
> >>8 steps behind Mozilla on any given day, I now find that I use Mozilla
> >>about 99% of the time now; I have a very good browsing experience and
> >>the email/newsgroups works perfectly on my machine. This was simply my
> >>2c re: this post and my high compliments to those capable contributors
> >>to this project.
> >>
> >
> > I can literally fully second this.
> >
> >
> >>  Perhaps I should insert this in a separate post; there have been a lot
> >>of responses to Geoff's post and this may get lost in the shuffle but
> >>here goes: I update my builds fairly frequently, just wanted to check if
> >>I'm doing this correctly: I go to the www.mozilla.org page and then go
> >>to the box 'nightly builds' and then I click on my OS (Win) and download
> >>begins. It seems I am downloading a complete new program each time. Does
> >>this download actually build on my previous installation or does it
> >>completely install a whole new installation of the Mozilla 0.9.7+ build?
> >>In other words, am I downloading more than I should each time? As I
> >>stated, I am an enthusiast.
> >>
> >
> > No, you're doing everything right (though I use a slightly different
> > I go to http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/nightly/latest-trunk/?M=D to
> > it sorted by newest chronologically so I usually see immediately whether
> > there _is_ a newer build for my platform [win32]). Each nightly is a
> > complete package of the Mozilla "Seamonkey" browser suite, and not an
> > _update_ or _patch_ to the earlier one. But you won't be losing any
> > config or mail or whatever data as that's stored in the profiles which
> > get overwritten (unless the nightly you're downloading is slightly
> > and overwriting stuff).
> >
> > Regards,
> > Sören Kuklau
> >
> >
> >

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