"Adam J. Richter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Now, a BSDish component in a GPLish application is not a problem from
>> the point of view of the component's license.

> So, which provision or
> provisions of the libjpeg copying conditions do you claim are
> GPL incompatible?

None --- please reread what I wrote above.  What I am concerned about
is the herd mentality (Hurd mentality?) I perceive here.  In particular,
I think it highly likely that at some point someone will claim that
all components in Mozilla are shipped under GPL.  Not "GPL compatible",
but "GPL".

Basically I'm upset at the prospect that components with perfectly good
open-source licenses will be coerced into someone else's idea of a
better license, with or without their consent.

                        regards, tom lane
                        organizer, Independent JPEG Group

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