"Eric.Howgate" wrote:

> Whilst sample rate is up for discussion, - could
> somebody confirm what is the quality of broadcast
> FM music is in terms of sample rate ?  When
> recording from the radio via line-in Cool Edit
> shows the source as 16 bit stereo @ 32KHz.

It is an analogue (analog for you Americans) transmission so there are
no sample rates.  Although a lot of radio stations would be using 16-bit
32khz internally for storage on hard disk.

> Also I
> saw  a claim that FM has a frequency cut-off at
> 14.5KHz - is this true ?

In New Zealand and most countries the cut-off is 15khz.

> Would there be any point
> in saving such files as 44.1KHz audio before
> converting to mp3 ?

Probably not.

> My (limited) understanding is that FM broadcasts
> are compressed before transmission and the
> datastream is decoded by the tuner/receiver. If so
> what is the encoding process used ?

There is usually compression involved but not the way you think.  The
audio waveform is compressed before broadcast so that the quieter parts
are made louder.  The only encoding/decoding going on is for stereo
transmission which I won't go into here.


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