I absolutely agree with Robin. Watch out...the gay, progressive, man of
color is about to rant again...I'm sure some of our more "thoughtful"
list-serve members will have something to say...

Further, I absolutely believe that there should not be any police officers
who serve on the CIVILIAN Review council. I believe that the conflict of
interest, or the "code" that many police seem to follow, would not allow for
a police officer on the committee to offer an objective viewpoint. I highly
doubt a prosecuting attorney would allow a police officer to sit on a jury
where the defendant is a police officer, why then should the general public
allow the same to happen in this process.

Civilian Review Boards are designed to keep the police accountable to the
communities that they are sworn to "serve and protect." When there is not a
civilian review board with subpoena powers and other legal enforcement
options, the police can (and have) felt free to keep doing business as
usual. Look at the statistics surrounding the number of times police in this
community (or any community) have been actually convicted of excessive
force, brutality, etc.

I know quite a few wonderful police officers. Officers that believe that
their job is to serve and protect the community. But I have seen to many
police officers that believe their job is to suppress the community, beat it
down and force it to comply with the law as they see it. How many images do
we have to see of police attacking non-violent protesters? How many more
people need to be shot 10, 20, 30 or 40 times for picking up their wallet?

Historically, police forces have been oppressive forces in Italy, Germany,
the US, Mexico, Russia, etc. I believe the police can serve a vital function
in our communities, but until the police are accountable to the communities
that they are supposed to serve, I want to know who is going to protect the
people from the police.

-Brandon Lacy
-Powderhorn Park

-----Original Message-----
Garwood, Robin
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 9:12 AM
To: 'Mpls List'
Subject: RE: [Mpls] More Dinkytown coverage

Walt Cygan wrote:

"It seems to me that if we are asking for a new Chief, and we want the
MPD to change, we need to be able to articulate what we want them to
change *to*."

The answer to this question is, in my opinion, fairly simple.  We must have
a police department that views the use of violence as their last resort in
any situation.  Currently, the MPD approaches many situations seeing
violence as either a foregone outcome or the ideal response.

Walt then wrote:

"Some people have expressed a need for a civilian review authority with
subpoena power and no police participation. Why would police have any
respect for that process, if they felt it was simply a way to get back at
them for perceived wrongs?"

If the new CRA has the power to examine police policies and change them, and
the power to discipline officers, the MPD and all its employees will have to
respect the process.  Even if it's grudging, grumbling respect.  I suppose
this assumes that the officers in question would like to keep their jobs.
Though I don't think the populace would be badly served if certain MPD
officers were to find us "impolite" and decide they want to find employment

A related but--in my opinion--more important question is this: how can the
people of Minneapolis have any respect for the policing process when our
police invariably approach us in a state of either fear or aggression, with
one hand on the nightstick or the gun?

I've asked this before in different ways, and I'll answer it myself.  We
can't.  So we need to change the system.

Call your Council Member.

Robin Garwood
Elected Member, Minneapolis/5th District Green Party Steering Committee
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