Dean Zimmerman is the obvious loser under the proposed map.

The other big loser I see is CM Biernat.  This has always been the odd ward.
Sitting on both sides of the River.  There is always a built in tension
between Northsiders and Northeasters.

He gives up much of the Northside( which is his weakest part, but low
turnout) but is not compensated with strong Northeast pcts.  He loses Some
of the pct's up near the Heights.He gets pushed down in to the Old Main area
and almost to the U.  His demographics change a bunch.   His electorate just
got younger, more liberal, less married, more Green, more rental, more
white.  Translation= This is a ward to watch in the next election.

Craig Miller
Former Camdenite
----- Original Message -----
From: "Conor Donnelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "loki anderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, April 12, 2002 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Mpls] Final redistricting map (almost)

> The city website has the final draft version of the map on the website
now. Good level of
> detail with streets labeled.
> Here's some interesting text from the website. Does this mean that more
changes could be in
> store before its all over?
> Disclaimer: While the Commission took action to approve
> the map, staff was directed to prepare the final version to
> include technical amendments directed by the
> Commission. Once the final map is prepared, the
> Commission will complete its activities when the
> approved map is filed with the City Clerk with the
> signatures of a majority of the Commission.
> Also...
> loki anderson wrote:
> > 2) By law, the Mpls redistricting plan could not be
> > set until after the State legislative map was set. And
> > the DFL, Republicans and Governor couldn't agree on a
> > map last year. It wasn't finalized until the court
> > drew it and released it on March 19th.
> CD: This state law makes no sense to me. Why should the city have to wait
for the state
> legislature to get maps redrawn before we start the process? Although it
seems logical to make
> these adjustments in order, from the top down in terms of spatial
hierarchy, our ward
> boundaries are not required to coincide within legislative boundaries, so
it really makes no
> difference to us what the state maps look like, right? We should get the
ball rolling a lot
> sooner next time and fix the problem of CM election years not matching
redistricting. If we
> really value the concept of fair and equal representation, and the census
is a valid and
> worthwhile undertaking, it makes no sense that half the decade will be
over before the council
> is reelected to match population changes.
> Expecting the redistricting commission to come up with multitudes of maps
addressing every
> different concern and interest, and getting public feedback on various
tentative plans is not
> possible in this short amount of time they had to work with.
> Conor Donnelly
> Waitepark
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