Annie Young writes:  

And it's always fun to watch Rick [Stafford -- Council DFL appointee] play
his obvious games, get caught in a 
jam and then watch how he works his way out of it so he still looks like 
the good guy.  I don't know if  his last ditch vote can help save his 
reputation but it was a brilliant vote and at that point he knew the votes 
for the plan and  had nothing to lose. He got what he wanted - protected 
those he needed to and to some might appear that he came out "smelling like 
a rose".  Amazing!

Thanks for this analysis Annie.  I often disagree with you, but on this, I
agree with you 100%.  Some of this plan seemed to be Stafford settling a
few scores.  He does well at that one.  

I think with a matchup between Robert Lilligren and Dean Zimmerman,
Lilligren can win easily.  He has a good ability to bring together smart
people to help him with his campaign.  

It is definitely a "screw the incumbent greens" plan.  At the same time, I
agree with another poster, is this gives the greens a good opportunity in
the new ward 10.  

At 11:39 PM 04/13/2002 -0500, Rosalind Nelson wrote:
>Zimmerman has talked about moving to remain within Ward 6 boundaries.  Has
>Lilligren said anything similar?
>As for benefits for Ward 8, a number of people feel that Ward 5 has lost
>influence because of losing the prosperous downtown areas.  Ward 8 is
losing a
>chunk of Phillips but gaining the more prosperous blocks on the west
section of
>Powderhorn and in Kingfield.  Will this make Ward 8 more influential?
>I am (for not very good reasons) pleased that Bancroft is still part of Ward
>8.  I seem to enjoy drama a little too much.

I agree to a point with Rosalind.  To me, Lake St and 35W seem like natural
barriers.  I worked very hard to get a council member who was going to be
an energetic and hard worker on the council -- and not someone who was
going to be a pawn of others on the council.  I don't want to lose that.  

I've talked to some people in the ward who are concerned that the DFL
insiders have someone in mind to run for this seat -- some are saying Vicki
Brock -- personally I can't believe they would be that stupid.  

The one thing that is nice, is that Caucuses who choose delegates for the
DFL endorsement will be held -- and a fresh set of delegates chosen.
People who care about the neigborhood and can stomach going to DFL caucuses
will have to make sure to get to the caucuses, so the choice isn't someone
chosen by DFL insiders and Labor hacks.  This means someone who is going to
fight to rehab good quality properties in the neighborhood rather than tear
them down and rebuild poor quality housing at an inflated price --
something the MCDA is known for.  This is one reason, I will be suspicious
of someone who gets building and trades union endorsement.  I'm all in
favor of unions in terms of the right to collectively bargain and negotiate
contracts.  I am suspicious when they do things to try to create make work
jobs at public expense for their members.  The building and trades unions
for example are some of the biggest boosters of raising our taxes to build
a stadium.  

I ofcourse, would like to see this as an opportunity for a republican
candidate who has strong neighborhood experience -- and there are people in
this ward who would fit that role -- but realistically that would be an
uphill struggle.  

Will the Stonewall DFL endorsement matter to the Gay and Lesbian residents
in this ward?  Not a bit.  Stonewall has a lot of work to regain
credibility here.    Karen Louise Boothe (who is, or recently was
communications director for the DFL) has written a shot accross the bow in

from the article:  

Even within the halls of DFL Party headquarters, caucus leadership and
influence are sadly ridiculed. If that weren't enough of a wake-up call,
the caucus fails to represent the diversity of GLBT voters.

So, what can the caucus do to raise its clout, and gain more status and
appreciation in the eyes of party staff, candidates and voters? It can
begin by serving as a watchdog on the records of those it endorses and
especially of those it doesn't endorse. The Stonewall DFL Caucus can free
itself from the grip of its own internal political struggles, and educate
voters about the issues, legislation, and voting records of our leaders.

Stonewall DFL doesn't do this.  Part of the reason their endorsement
matters little to educated GLBT voters is that their most important
question is whether the candidate will abide by DFL endorsement.  While
that might be important to DFL activists, it is not something that is
important to the GLBT population in general.  It is certainly not relevant
to Gay voters who aren't democrat, but will sometimes cross over to vote
for dems when the republican candidate seems to come from the Leviticus

Eva Young
Central Neighborhood 

"You do not have the right to never be offended.  This country is based on
freedom, and that means freedom for everyone - not just you!  You may leave
the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc., but the
world is full of idiots, and probably always will be."  --Article II of the
Bill of Non-Rights.
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