Ref. Jim Graham's letter in regard to the Twins, he makes a good
observation about handicapped and house bound types.  I have thought the
city or the Sports commission
-or whoever- should make cheaper tickets available and free transport on bus
or lite rail for those to attend the games.  such would boost the gate and
generally add to the community.
         As to having the city or any government entity buy the Twins, I
think that would be a collosal mistake.  I doubt the Twins have been a
profitable business for the Pohlad's, except as a tax write off.  Carl
Pohlad, though, must have had something to do with the Twins winning the two
previous World Series, first ever since early 1960s.  I just don't think the
city government would be anything to run a pro baseball team.  Who would do
it?, the Council or certain council members? or RT? Would there be another
big agency like MCDA to administer the team?  If they aren't being harassed
to death someone will buy the team.
         James Jacobsen  //  Whittier

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