Hello Graeme.

Thanks for the infos about IFI, I will study it.

I did some tests.

Using your fixes and compiling mseide with fpc 3.0.4.:
I did create a new project, with one form and one button, and assigning, via
object inspector, "onexec" procedure to button.onecexute:


You may see that the auto-generated code is procedure onexec(const sender:
Tobject), that is normal.

But using same code with your fixes and compiling mseide with fpc 3.2.0.:
And create a same new project, with one form and one button, and assigning,
via object inspector, "onexec2" procedure to button.onecexute:


Here you may see that the code generated via the object inspector is
procedure onexec2($self: Pointer; const sender: Tobject); ---> that is not

What are the big changes of fpc 3.0.4 vs 3.2.0 ?

Very strange to get 2 different results with same code but different


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