Hello Graeme.

> >
> http://wiki.freepascal.org/User_Changes_Trunk#TParamFlag_extended_for_hidden_parameters

Ha, you touch something there.

A "search in directories" reveal that tparamflag is only used in
msedesignparser.pas (from where come the problem).

So now the goal is to understand how to use the new tparamflag for fpc

For "TParamFlag extended for hidden parameters" they say:
> Remedy: Adjust code that relies on the amount of elements contained in
> TParamFlag (e.g. case-statements or array indices) > and also code that
> relies on the size of TParamFlags being 1 (SizeOf(TParamFlags) should be
> used instead).

And a few later:
For "Parameters of method pointer variables contain hidden parameter"
> Remedy: Depending on your code either handle the new parameters or check
> for pfHidden in the parameter flags and ignore them.

Not yet understood but maybe only changing a parameter should do the trick.


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