On 25/04/2019 14:30, fredvs wrote:
>> for pfHidden in the parameter flags and ignore them.
> Not yet understood but maybe only changing a parameter should do the trick.

You followed exactly what I would have done. Searching the source code
for TParamFlag and see what it does with it.

>From the FPC wiki it seems that if you iterate or something though the
available parameters, you now need to filter out pfHidden and pfSelf
parameters if you are not interested in them. So for MSEide that would
be a IFDEF for 3.2.0 and greater handling those new pfXXX parmeters by
skipping them.

Obviously, this is all theoretical as I haven't looked at the actual
MSEide code at all, so don't know what it does with TParamFlag at the
moment. If all else fails, embrace open source and take a sneak peek at
Lazarus's CodeTools code too. I would imagine they also had to adjust
their code generation for FPC 3.2.0 and later.


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