I like "Modern" devices better than "Mobile" and that's what I am hearing when 
talking to product team folks.

From: listsad...@lists.myitforum.com [mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On 
Behalf Of Rod Trent
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2015 1:38 PM
To: mssms@lists.myitforum.com
Subject: RE: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

And, really it’s not about devices – or at least what we think computing 
devices are today. I see Intune taking on additional management capabilities in 
the near future to manage even IoT and wearables. At least, it has to.

It should actually be “mobility management”

From: listsad...@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com> 
[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of Michael Niehaus
Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 2:22 PM
To: mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>
Subject: RE: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

Yes, “mobile device management” isn’t just for mobile devices ☺

Windows Intune has its own agent, or with Windows 8.1 and above it can use 
OMA-DM protocols that are built into the OS.  With Windows 8.1, those are 
fairly limited, so the focus is more on BYOD scenarios (for desktops) and 
lightweight management (phones and desktops).  For Windows 10, there will be 
more capabilities added (explored in detail at Ignite).

Of course Intune also does iOS, Android, etc.


From: listsad...@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com> 
[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of Heaton, Joseph@Wildlife
Sent: Tuesday, March 3, 2015 8:14 PM
To: 'mssms@lists.myitforum.com'
Subject: RE: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

Looks like I really need to read up on Intune.  I thought it was just for 
mobile devices, but it seems I’m completely wrong on that.

From: listsad...@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com> 
[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 4:40 PM
Subject: Re: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

I was there for the actual keynote. There's a bit of semantics going on. 
Workloads for the foreseeable future can mean a number of things, and there's 
been a LOT of activity in the background since that keynote.

The core message is that Microsoft intends to support customers - not products. 
Microsoft understands that customers are inherently slow to adopt new products 
that require massive migrations. There are customers still running CM 2007, 
even SMS 2003. So, when it's said that CM will be supported for the foreseeable 
future, it means as long as customers are still running it.

Focus is on Intune right now, and has been for a long while. CM may see some 
improvements, but only in areas where it makes sense to the Microsoft vision. 
Don't expect major new features. For example, one of the bigger features we'll 
see in the Fall for CM 2012 R2 is better integration with Intune. App and OS 
delivery are the only real pieces of CM that can't be Cloud-based right now, 
but that change is coming. Microsoft will attempt to  make Windows 10 the 
compelling reason for customers to move to Intune with changes in how apps and 
the OS delivers.

From: 'Bill Bernat'<mailto:bill.ber...@adaptiva.com>
Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎February‎ ‎27‎, ‎2015 ‎2‎:‎09‎ ‎PM
To: SMS<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>

It’s a fascinating topic. Here’s a recent take from Brad Anderson: 


From: Andreas Hammarskjöld 
Reply-To: "mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>" 
Date: Friday, February 27, 2015 at 10:58 AM
To: "mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>" 
Subject: RE: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

But also remember what wise men say: “One does not just migrate 20 years of 
code in to Mordor… sorry the Cloud”

MS focuses primarily on the Cloud right now, but we all know were few people 
actually use it. Does Intune even cover 1% of the ConfigMgr install base? And I 
am not talking purchased or licensed, I am talking about deployed.

So MS faces the options to put in a few years to make Intune better with zero 
new stuff in ConfigMgr, which will make existing customer base angry, making 
future sells harder. Alternative is to do a split where some like 70% goes 
towards the Cloud and 30% to keep customer happy enough. But that won’t make 
the “market” people as they want a good story and strong figures on cloud and 
market share in that. The lack of ConfigMgr sessions at these events since 
there are very few new features, i.e. not so much dev time for our friend 

In my previous role at my old company I was in exactly the same spot as MS. I 
had to develop new things for the cloud, and still maintain good ol’ “slow 
moving software”. It’s not an easy game. MS will make most mistake’s again with 
Intune as they did with ConfigMgr, because people are like that. Writing new 
code generates bugs, period, since developers are human. So it will be slower 
than they think, and when no new stuff comes to existing platform owners they 
will start not to renew Enterprise deals since there is a lack of roadmap, 
people will raise hell internally. And then God knows what will happen.

So basically, Microsoft has to develop a kick-ass Intune with the same feature 
set that it took them 20 years to put into ConfigMgr + more. And this they have 
to do in a very short timeframe before losing new or existing customers. I 
think I recall that ConfigMgr 2012 was 9 million lines of code and the test 
tools had 4.5 million, so to finish in 5 years time they have to check in more 
than 12000 perfect lines of code each day. You do the math! ☺

Anyhow, my 2 cents after having 2Pints! So conditions do apply, now off to 
pester mr Arwidmark and Mikael Nyström on Twitter!


From: listsad...@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com> 
[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of Ed Aldrich
Sent: den 27 februari 2015 19:28
To: mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>
Subject: RE: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

“I'm trying to interpret these marketing and materials changes to understand 
what MS will be pushing in the years to come. “

As far as us in the CfgMgr world are concerned, rest assured that the future 
holds cloud enabled management... Current initiatives around Intune show that 
clearly... while it still has a way to go before its prime-time ready, it is 
the future.... toss in a more homogenous AppStore story across platforms and 
their respective devices, and the picture begins to become clear.

Jeff Gilbert’s recently published (co-authored) book Enterprise Mobility Suite 
Managing BYOD and Company-Owned 
 is a great place to start learning, along with any number of Microsoft blogs 
that focus on Intune.

Ed Aldrich
Mobile: (401) 924-2293
ed.aldr...@1e.com<mailto:ed.aldr...@1e.com>| www.1e.com<http://www.1e.com/>
[Description: Description: cid:image011.png@01CAD56A.EFDE3F90] Ent Cli Mgmt 

[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of Stephen Owen
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2015 10:34 AM
To: mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>
Subject: Re: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

Guys, let's not bash these conference bags.  Some of us look forward to them 
very much (I don't have one yet :( )!

I've also got to say based on what I've seen from the Channel 9 / TechEd 
videos.  There was some seriously great and juicy stuff from previous TechEd's, 
some of which helped shape my SCCM knowledge (Niehaus, your's from TechEd were 

You can really see a decline in that content volume recently.  I think everyone 
has said it already, there is a lot that MS is transitioning too.  I'm trying 
to interpret these marketing and materials changes to understand what MS will 
be pushing in the years to come.

On Thu, Feb 19, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Michael Niehaus 
<michael.nieh...@microsoft.com<mailto:michael.nieh...@microsoft.com>> wrote:
My personal opinion, not Microsoft’s ☺

I agree very much with the highlighted parts below.  But just because it’s a 
forward-looking event focused on roadmap and where everything is going, that 
doesn’t mean that there isn’t a community aspect.  Just expect the community 
aspect to be more like The Krewe (probably 90% social/networking) than like 
MyITForum (probably 70% technical conversation/how-to, 30% social/networking).

Where I tend to disagree with people is in regards to the bashing of 
Ignite/TechEd/other large Microsoft events.  Ignite has its place, and for 
those that focus on what’s next, it should be considered essential – at least 
acknowledge that.  And that’s not for everyone.  For those that live in the 
here-and-now, well, then maybe you should consider events that focus more on 
the here-and-now:  training on current versions, troubleshooting and 
notes-from-the-field with live releases, compare notes with like-minded (and 
similarly challenged) individuals, etc.  (For those of you running those 
events, please focus on the position:  Market your events based on their 
strengths, not by comparing yourself to Ignite.)

I’ve been campaigning for more ConfigMgr sessions too, but even if these come I 
wouldn’t expect them to spend much time on existing releases, except to talk 
about how they are changing, how you can upgrade, new features/roadmap, etc.  
If you really want to know how to better use the ConfigMgr app model that 
hasn’t changed much since 2012, or how to best deploy OS updates to Windows 7, 
well, we’ve got session recordings on Channel 9 that already cover that ☺

When I was in enterprise IT (granted, that was over 11 years ago now), I 
considered TechEd to be the one must-attend conference each year.  That 
reflected what I did:  I was an enterprise infrastructure and desktop 
architect, responsible for a variety of Microsoft-related technologies, and it 
was the only place where I could find out where I needed to be heading (for my 
company) in the coming year.  Ignite continues in that tradition.


On Behalf Of Rod Trent
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:04 PM
To: mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>
Subject: RE: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

You really are trying to goad me onto my soapbox, aren’t you?

The problem is highlighted in your text below. Fix that and we may be able to 
find our way back to a technical event that this group wants to attend. ☺

I’ll make this brief.

We worked extremely hard for MMS each year to ensure there was enough technical 
content, despite it being run by marketing. That effort was a LOT of work that 
a lot of people don’t realize. In 2013, just prior to TechEd 2014, we lost our 
advocates and those left refused to listen. Result: TechEd 2014 for MMS folks 
was a joke.

New year, brand new event – marketing still making the decisions, and we have a 
total of 5 events rolled into one. Ignite will be bigger and the focus is 
clearly on roadmap. That doesn’t hold much hope for those whose bosses demand a 
certain level of technical value. And, for this community, with a smattering of 
ConfigMgr sessions coming, they can get the same value just by gathering teams 
members around a desk and streaming the keynotes in the office.

There’s very little hope to turn Ignite into a ConfigMgr or on-premises 
management heavy event no matter how much feedback is given. That’s simply not 
Microsoft’s focus and direction.

However, that all said, it’s not all doom and gloom for me. I’m looking forward 
to it (mostly out of curiosity) and Ignite better represents my focus these 
days. But, then again, I’m not dealing with the technical issues that this 
community is day-in and day-out.

That’s where smaller, more intimate events like the new MMS provide such a 
great opportunity for specific groups of people. In my opinion, Microsoft 
should just produce the best event it can in Ignite. Make it Microsoft’s 
VMWorld – because really that’s the intent: one message to the biggest crowd 
possible. But, give up trying to appease the communities. Instead, invest time, 
resources, and marketing dollars in community led events. Go where the 
communities are – don’t expect to be able to force them to come to you. That 
makes it less stressful for everyone.

[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of Aaron Czechowski
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 2:26 PM
To: mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>
Subject: RE: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

What a coincidence, we were just talking about “slow moving software” in this 
morning’s Shiproom….

To reiterate Michael’s comments, our marketing team is working on this, even 
talking with BradAnd, and as I hear have until 2/27 to publish. The list I’ve 
seen so far includes three additional sessions specific to ConfigMgr – and 
we’re doing what we can to get more added. At least one of those will be 300+ 
level (I’m the content owner – unfortunately just don’t know yet whether I’ll 
be presenting it…).

Honestly, this is all awesome feedback. I’ve shared some of your comments 
verbatim with marketing and leadership so that they understand your 
frustrations. I definitely can’t promise that will change anything in the next 
several months, but I hope helps inform strategy decisions in the future. And 
please don’t let this put any damper on the discussion – it’s why I’ve been on 
this list for so many years. ☺


[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of Sherry Kissinger
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 11:03 AM
To: mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>
Subject: Re: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

Nash, don't be dissin' SMS
er... SCCM
er... ConfigMgr
er... oh, what's your name today?

On Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:56 PM, Nash Pherson 
<na...@nowmicro.com<mailto:na...@nowmicro.com>> wrote:

ConfigMgr is being renamed “exasperating and sometimes downright obnoxious”?

Microsoft EaSDO: For all your systems management needs.

[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of Rod Trent
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:45 PM
To: mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>
Subject: RE: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

Product name just hasn’t changed yet. ☺

If you want a more accurate name, look at what Microsoft calls the MVPs in that 

[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of Eric Groff
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 1:39 PM
To: mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>
Subject: RE: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

What's in a name?

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Rod Trent<mailto:rodtr...@myitforum.com>

Sent: ‎2/‎19/‎2015 12:13
To: mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>
Subject: RE: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?
More will be added for System Center and Server. That much is true.

However, when I was told that, I was also told that Configuration Manager is 
not really considered to be part of System Center any longer. So, don’t expect 
many more ConfigMgr sessions to post. There’s clear reasons behind this.

Also consider that Ignite now uses a sort of aged “editorial calendar” method 
for sessions. Microsoft has the decks with the proper messaging, and then the 
Ignite teams will source the speakers they believe fit the decks best. I’ll 
leave it at that.

I almost, *almost*, went off on a soapbox tangent for both preceding 
paragraphs. But, you all are smart enough to figure it out.

[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of Troy Martin
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 12:45 PM
To: mssms@lists.myitforum.com<mailto:mssms@lists.myitforum.com>
Subject: RE: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?

As of Saturday, 5 ConfigMgr sessions - http://bit.ly/1Etbsab

Troy L. Martin | Product Manager, Endpoint Automation
Provision software, not infrastructure
US Mobile: +1 (678) 898-6147<tel:%2B1%20%28678%29%20898-6147>
UK Phone : +44 208 326 9141<tel:%2B44%20208%20326%209141>
troy.mar...@1e.com<mailto:troy.mar...@1e.com>| www.1e.com<http://www.1e.com/>

From:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com [mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On 
Behalf Of Harjit Dhaliwal
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?<http://www.1e.com/>
I think you are being a little swift with your assumptions.  The full session 
catalog has not been completed and Ignite has mentioned that they are going to 
be adding much more to the catalog including System Center stuff.  There are 
quite a few of us from the ConfigMgr community who will be attending the 

On 2/19/2015 11:36 AM, Andreas Hammarskjöld wrote:<http://www.1e.com/>
Hey Ivan,<http://www.1e.com/>
If you are looking for ConfigMgr integration Ignite might not be your best 
place to hunt. The total lack of ConfigMgr sessions have led to the ConfigMgr 
community already renamed the conference MS Ignore (for several 
Might change, although unlikely, but damage is already done.<http://www.1e.com/>
[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of Troy Martin
Sent: den 19 februari 2015 17:24
Subject: [mssms] RE: (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?<http://www.1e.com/>
Hey Ivan,<http://www.1e.com/>
Have them stop by the 1E booth.  In the meantime, check out our site - 
Thanks ☺<http://www.1e.com/>
Troy L. Martin | Product Manager, Endpoint Automation<http://www.1e.com/>
Provision software, not infrastructure<http://www.1e.com/>
US Mobile: +1 (678) 898-6147<http://www.1e.com/>
UK Phone : +44 208 326 9141<http://www.1e.com/>
troy.mar...@1e.com| www.1e.com<http://www.1e.com/>
[mailto:listsad...@lists.myitforum.com] On Behalf Of Lindenfeld, Ivan
Sent: Thursday, February 19, 2015 10:57 AM
Subject: [mssms] (OT) Vendor list for Ignite?<http://www.1e.com/>
I have a colleague in the ITAM space wanting to shop but needs to make sure 
hunting will be rich.  We don’t see a vendor list on the Ignite web 
It would go a long way toward justifying the trip.<http://www.1e.com/>
Thanks for any pointers.<http://www.1e.com/>
Ivan Lindenfeld<http://www.1e.com/>
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