On Fri, 12 Jun 1998, Manuel Bilderbeek wrote:

> > Hey! then tell me how to do that for my email-reader (Outlook Express)
> > automatically sets the return-adress to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> yes, this is standard since Wiebe changed the config of the MSX list-server... 
> I don't like it either, but who am I... Most people seem to like it, because 
> when I complained about this before, people said to me that I'm just a sucker 
> that I forget to replace that To: field. Anyway, I guess you'll just have to 
> replace it like I have to do... (And I'm not using some silly Microsoft 
> program, but MH... ;-D )

I'm using PINE to read my messages. Maybe it is not best solution for PC
users, but atleast for MSX it is quite a good.

This proggram always asks :
Do you want to use "Reply To:" address instead of "From :" address ? (Y/N)

Maybe this kind of feature is possibble to use also in other proggrams,
but I'm not sure. Maybe setup may help ?

                   ! A1ST ~--- - I  ( o o o o o o )i
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                       NYYRIKKI : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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