On Wed, 17 Mar 1999, Alwin Henseler wrote:

> > > > Yes, no problem. About emulation, BrMSX already emulates some Megaram
> > > > models.
> > > So I noticed. I just wondered what the use was (still do I think).
> > > After all: you can run modified MegaROMs in it (or originals, with 
> > > the right loader), but what's the use if the emulator can emulate the 
> > > original MegaROM itself?
> > 

        The MegaRAM was not added to BrMSX to improve game play.
        Instead, I added it as a development tool.

        I don't know what is your opinion, but I think it's much better to
develop programs in an emulator than in the real machine. I can compile
large files very fast in the PC, using a cross-compiler, and to test it, I
use the BrMSX fudebug (I think it's the best MSX debugger available,
mainly due to the step-by-step tracing and true breakpoints).

        As a matter of fact, both "MUST" and "VIP" were 100% developed in
the PC, I just used the MSX to test the final version. Of course I
couldn't just the BrMSX mapper emulation - I don't have a real memory
mapper at home, and there's no point in developing programs for a system
you don't have.

Ricardo Bittencourt           http://www.lsi.usp.br/~ricardo
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