At 12:56 PM 7/19/99 +0200, Laurens wrote:

>But what about the developers which don't have internet-access??? I know
>Hans van Oranje has, and others might be able to access the internet via
>school or the library, but I don't think they all have internet-access.

I think any developer who has money to build hardware prototypes can also
afford internet access.

And if not, so be it. With non-net means, you can't run a public
international discussion efficiently.
Image people sending in snail mail which is then printed in a magazine and
sent to everyone. Very slow between updates and expensive as well.
And flying all developers to a meeting is way out of our budget...

>I don't agree with that. Software-developers must also have a "vinger in de
>pap", because they are the ones who are going to use it, and they can tell
>which things are useful, which not, and they can give very useful
>suggestions or tips, for example on a feature which makes a certain board a
>little more expensive, but at the same time is of a great help to
>programmers (for example an external interrupt or so).

There is a difference between "making suggestions" and "deciding". I think
anyone should be able to make suggestions, but if anyone can decide, there
will never be decisions because a large number of people won't agree

>Ah, this is very good. In a lot of projects the OPL4 of v9990 is not listed
>or is listed but in an  incompatible way... I'm very glad with this...

By the way, MoonSound specifies more than just OPL4. Is specifies which ROM
is used for instruments, it specifies the I/O ports used etc.

>By the way, there was some guy (dunno where) developing an OPL3 board!!!
>Aargh! Let us make it MoonSound-compatible and convince this guy to use
>OPL4!!! (which can still be achieved).

Why would he have to use OPL4? It would certainly be more expensive,
because the instrument ROM costs money (copyrights) and SRAM isn't cheap
either, especially 512K ICs. And probably the OPL3 itself is cheaper than

I would have no problems as long as the OPL3 board would be compatible with
the OPL3 part of the MoonSound, which means it would have to use the same
I/O addresses. In that way, a single program could play music on both, FM
only ofcourse.


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