> And btw, does Uzix support graphical modes??? Don't think so.

        Not yet.
        UZIX is not a good OS for games. For this, use MSXDOS or BASIC or
none of them (it's all the same - NO operating system).

> > Avoid using ASM in UZIX. It's better for you, it's better for the
> > system.
> And it's worse for the speed.
> Well those things are exactly why I DON'T program for Uzix.

        So, forget about programming for MSX due to the speed... Try a
Pentium III 700MHz...

> > It's perfect when using with a HD. I was impressed when I saw UZIX
> > running with MegaSCSI. Faster than MSXDOS2.
> Yeah, right. Using a diskimage of 720k, therefor only benefitting of the
> speed of the HD. That's not what I have my HD for... then I could as well
> use a ramdisk.

        Since HD support is not implemented on UZIX, that's the only way
of running UZIX on a harddisk. In the future, direct access to harddisk
and partition will be implemented.

> > multitasking: UZIX can download a file from funet while you check
> > your e-mail or visit www.msx.org. DOS can't.
> It is possible to make such a thing yourself.

        AFAIK, it's already done in the 'i' project...

> > C core: it's A LOT easier to find/fix bugs and maintain the code.
> > No direct access do the hardware: why the BIOS exists????
> Does the word SLOWWW mean anything to you???

        I think you pay too much attention to the word "slow", even when
it is not a big problem. Slow programs are mainly a problem of no
code optimization.

> However, still doesn't solve the 720k-problem. And how can I write files to
> a disk(image) which is not MSX-DOS compatible?

        That's why there is UCP, a MSXDOS executable to read/write UZIX

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha               ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP   
http://www.adrpage.cjb.net           http://if.you.dont.like.msx.usuck.com

* Warning on computer cabinet: INTEL Inside!!! *

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