>   The new version 0.1.1 of Snatcher in portuguese is on
> the WebPage. There are several changes on it, and I can
> say that about 19% of the entire game is translated.
About the peculiarity of the Snatcher game engine, I think it's fair to say
that's because MSX version should had been a rough port of the PC88 version.

PC88 was a Z80 machine which was made on a totally different architecture
from MSX. PC88 had poorer graphics (only 8 colors at a time) but better
sound. PC88 made much bigger success than MSX in late 1980s as a game
console, I think.
Here's a collective fansite;

I personally know almost nothing about PC88, however.


For info, see http://www.stack.nl/~wynke/MSX/listinfo.html

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