At 08:31  05/05/2007, you wrote:
>what can i do instead of installing win98se to rescue my disks?

You can get a Linux self-booting CD and try it, or you can format a 3 
1/2 disk with DOS only, boot using it, and use dcopy...

To format a DOS disk open a command prompt and type:


This should make the disk DOS-bootable and transfer the system files 
( and msdos.sys) to it. But I don't know if it still works 
on XP, my comp with XP doesnt have a floppy :(

If it doesnt work, you can always try DOSBox, a "Dos emulator"...

But XP should be able to read 720kb disks without a problem... so, 
check it the PC drive is working - and also the MSX drive too.

Hope it helps,

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