On Jan 4, 2011, at 8:04 AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:

> On Jan 4, 2011, at 7:06 AM, Mike Dubman wrote:
>> Do you know if there is mtt option to stop mtt execution if job`s failure 
>> ratio succeeds specified value, something like:
>> [mtt]
>> stop_on_test_failures=1%
> I don't recall an option like that, offhand.

I don't think so either. This would be neat to have for those rare scenarios 
when something fundamental in Open MPI breaks and we would prefer to stop 
testing early instead of continuing to run tests even if they are all going to 

>> Also, are there any ini files examples/successes of how to use mtt with 
>> non-MPI based applications?
> No.  It *shouldn't* be hard, though -- just make the MPI Details exec 
> statement not use "mpirun"...?  (of course, our phase names are biased 
> towards "MPI", but they could just as well be "Middleware", for example)

I successfully did this when testing the C/R functionality in Open MPI, and a 
couple other groups are looking at supporting non-MPI middleware as well. The 
C/R tests are all wrapped up in their own perl script (to do 
start/checkpoint/restart/...), so were essentially a non-MPI application. As 
Jeff mentioned, it was just enough to change the MPI Details section to use 
your own launcher (or you may be able to even go without a launcher if you just 
want to run the tests directly). Then you will need to define new Test 
Build/Run phases for the non-MPI test suite that you are using. And you should 
be all set.

If for some reason that does not work, let us know since it is something that 
needs to be fixed since the MTT client should be flexible enough to support a 
wide manner of middleware.

-- Josh

> -- 
> Jeff Squyres
> jsquy...@cisco.com
> For corporate legal information go to:
> http://www.cisco.com/web/about/doing_business/legal/cri/
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Joshua Hursey
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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