On Wed, Feb 15, 2017 at 11:02 PM, Pablo Riera <pablo.ri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am collecting information on how to accomplish DSP projects (mainly
> synths, only output) with low cost or makers boards.
> -Arduino Uno 16 bit PWM, 25 usd
> -Arduino Due 12 bit DAC, 50 usd
> -Beaglebone + Bela 16 bit DAC, 170 usd
> -Raspberry Pi + Behringher Uca22216 bit DAC, 70 usd
> -16 bit DAC module, 5 usd (and some fast board, Due? )
> I am not sure about maximum sampling rate for each case, but I think they
> all reach 44.1 kHz, (maybe not for the arduino UNO). It will be nice to run
> code at higher bit depths and rates but DAC outputs at CD quality.
> Does anyone has experience with some of these combinations or others and
> could share comments on technical issues, ease of use, latency, audio
> quality (noise, max sampling rate), etc.
> Thanks in advance. Great list by the way.
> Pablo

I'm one of the developers of Bela and can supply a bit more info. It has a 
16-bit stereo audio ADC and DAC, plus 8x each of 16-bit DC-coupled analog I/O.

Low latency was one of our core design principles for Bela. We use a Xenomai 
Linux environment to get audio buffer sizes as small as 2 samples, producing 
round-trip audio latency as low as 1ms (or down to 100us using the non-audio 
analog I/Os). The design also samples the analog and digital I/Os at audio 
rates, synchronously with the audio clock. You can a paper about how the 
environment works here:


(More info at http://bela.io and https://github.com/BelaPlatform/Bela/wiki.)

The CPU on the BeagleBone Black isn't as powerful as the Pi3; on the other 
hand, the hard real-time audio environment means that you can run with much 
smaller latencies without glitches, as long as your code is fast enough to run 
in real time. At the moment we support C/C++ and Pd with experimental support 
for a few other languages and environments (SuperCollider, FAUST, Pyo).


Andrew McPherson
Reader in Digital Media
Centre for Digital Music
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary, University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS

Phone: +44 (0)20 7882 5774
Email: a.mcpher...@qmul.ac.uk
Web: http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~andrewm
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