On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 04:01:47PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:

> >Why don't you post each FAQ to the list as each one is done (all in
> >one thread) so that people can suggest changes, as well as track it's
> >development?
> 'k.  Here (as printed in lynx) is what index.html will look like ...
> (thanks to Sven for a few additions).  Requires a _lot_ of work right now.
[snip] won't go into that...
I'm not a native speaker, so I'll keep out of correcting the stuff. :)
But since everybody's got to have a mother tounge, mine is German, and I'd
like to translate it. So if you guys are through with the technical stuff
(you _are_ still allowed to fuss about the fine tuning of the grammar :) )
send me the file, and I'll translate it.

For the fine tuning on _my_ stuff, there should be enough Germans in this
list. Come out there, no use hiding. :)


Kai Blin(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])      Webmaster
Inst. of Human Genetics                         Dept. of Molecular Genetics
Wilhelmstr 27                                   phone (49)7071-2974890
D 72074 Tuebingen, Germany                      fax   (49)7071-295233
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