On Mon, Dec 18, 2000 at 06:34:45PM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
>  Wouldn't procmailing mails from your girlfriend, your co-workers etc etc into
>  separate folders help? ;)

not realy ... since i wouldn't reread old mail if not reminded. 
not even mail from my girl :-)

>  What you are suggesting seems to be the job of sendmail + procmail, imho.  You
>  _could_ bounce the mail to an alias which calls a script for doing this ...

yes .. i am thinking bout that .. but that would put the delayed mails
out of my reach for some time. maybe i should save those mails to a
special folder and let a cronjob go through it. finding a mail that
was due to resubmission it would bounce that mail to me, and delete it
from the folder. 
question is how to embed the time in the saved mail.

still a sollution inside mutt would be better for synchronization
and other reasons.

> > ps: i'm no on the list so please cc to me.
> done

i'm on the list now.


                Heinrich Langos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
     pgp: http://wh9.tu-dresden.de/~heinrich/pub_pgp_key.asc
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|o| version I ever heard. -- Bill Gates,  Microsoft Corporation |o|

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