
On Thu, Jun 13, 2002 at 09:07:13AM -0700, Tim Freedom wrote:
> If someone would like to use utf-8 irrespective of the locale
> setting, he/she ought to be able to do that, no ?  There are lots of

Maybe I don't understand you, but how can a textmode application like
mutt or vim, which depends on the fonts of the xterm or the console,
use UTF-8 if they couldn't properly display the characters?

I start mutt from xbuffy with the following script:

export SHELL=/bin/bash
export LANG=de_DE.UTF-8
export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.UTF-8  # for Japanese input via XIM

/usr/bin/X11/xterm -u8 -fn
"-misc-fixed-medium-*-normal-*-18-120-100-100-c-*-iso10646-1" \
-geometry 110x44+0+0 -bg black -fg white -T Mutt -e mutt -F \
/etc/Muttrc -F /home/fsing/stse/.mutt/muttrc.x11 "$@"

So I'm running mutt within an UTF-8 xterm without having the global
locale set to UTF-8.

Shade and sweet water!


| Stephan Seitz                   E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|          WWW: http://fsing.fs.uni-sb.de/~stse/            |
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