Hanspeter Roth wrote:
>   On Oct 01 at 17:32, Will Yardley spoke:
> > Most people probably don't *see* it, because most people don't read all
> > the headers of their email messages.... and there are precious few mail

> It is probably up to the *MUA* rather than to people to see the
> Reply-To header.

You're snipping a lot here - I was primarily referring to M-F-T being
ignored. Most mail clients do show 'Reply-To' if it exists (I should
have been more specific).

> As of Mutt it can be told to ignore Reply-To (ignore_list_replay_to).
> So why shouldn't other mailers not be able to be configured to ignore
> it?

This only ignores reply-to *if* the 'To' and 'Reply-To' headers are the
same *and* if the message is defined by 'lists foo' or 'subscribe foo'
in .muttrc. Mutt can be configured to ignore Reply-To, using the
strangely named 'reply_to' quadoption. 

Most mail clients either blindly honor Reply-To: OR give the user an
option (or allow you to configure it either way).

> And maybe there are also mailers which expect another header rather
> than Reply-To. So if I knew those I could try to be compatible with
> them.

Reply-To is the only one that's an internet standard AFAIK, and the only
one that's widely implemented (for email, that is - Usenet has
'Followup-To', which is what Mail-Followup-To is based on).

You should be reasonably safe setting 'Reply-To'.

Will Yardley
input: william < @ hq . newdream . net . >

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