On Oct 02 at 21:08, Will Yardley spoke:

[snipping a lot]

> Most mail clients either blindly honor Reply-To: OR give the user an
> option (or allow you to configure it either way).
> > And maybe there are also mailers which expect another header rather
> > than Reply-To. So if I knew those I could try to be compatible with
> > them.
> Reply-To is the only one that's an internet standard AFAIK, and the only
> one that's widely implemented (for email, that is - Usenet has
> 'Followup-To', which is what Mail-Followup-To is based on).
> You should be reasonably safe setting 'Reply-To'.

The majority of ansers I get in deed come from mail clients that do
honor Reply-To. But occasionally I realize that I get answers at the
address that's not mentioned in the Reply-To header.

Now if the only reason Reply-To is not honored is the configuration
of the one's MUA that's answering me, I have to accept that.
But if there is _another reason_ for this and I can do something
about it, I'd just like to know...


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