Danger, Will Robinson! ;-)

At  8:21 AM EDT on October  5 Viktor Lakics sent off:
> I have a crazy idea, I wanted to ask you about: Has anyone ever
> tried to work out how to autoview graphics inside mutt? 

You might know this already, but a common spammer tactic is to include images
in their html mails like <img
src="http://spam.server.com/Viktor_actually_read_this_spam.gif";> that let
them know that you actually read their spam, *if* you read the message in a
graphical browser.  From then on you can count on that address receiving the
GSSSP (Gross Solar System Spam Product).

Yes, I know there are countermeasures like proxies, defangers, and filtering
spam away first, but I thought everyone should know that this path is

I will not be pushed, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed or numbered.
My life is my own.   - Number Six (The Prisoner: "Arrival")
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     http://astro.utoronto.ca/~reid/
PGP Key: http://astro.utoronto.ca/~reid/pgp.html

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