On Wed, 16 Oct 2002, PeterKorman wrote:

> This is *really* nice. I saw the page at http://w3m.org a
> few months ago. I wrongly concluded that there was no on-going
> development since the date on w3m.org is:
> Tuesday August 01, 2000 02:43 P
> Your reference to http://w3m.sf.net cleared my confusion. Thanks.
> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/w3m/w3m-0.3.1.tar.gz?use_mirror=unc
> The July 2002 release leaves links and lynx looking dusty and beaten.

not really.  The "inline" images are actually windows that overlay the
xterm, and are not event-coordinated.  So what you're seeing is in effect
multiple external viewer windows that are positioned to match the text.
Nice - but doesn't exactly make things obsolete.  It can be annoying to
use w3m in an xterm which is running 'screen'.  As is usual, I find that
between lynx/w3m/opera/netscape, some sites do not work well on one or
more of those.


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