Hi all,

I'm wondering if it is possible, to manage multiple accounts at the
same e-mail provider. First let's say I have one account at a.com,
another at b.com. Then in my .muttrc I have

        account-hook 'imaps://a.com' 'set imap_user=... etc.'
        folder-hook 'imaps://a.com' 'set folder=... etc.'

and the analogue for b.com. Via

        macro index <f1> "<change-folder>imaps://imap.a.com"
        macro index <f2> "<change-folder>imaps://imap.b.com"

I can switch between them.

If now a equals b we do have a problem. I could for example change the
macro-lines to

        macro index <f1> "<change-folder>imaps://user1:passwo...@a.com"
        macro index <f2> "<change-folder>imaps://user2:passwo...@a.com"

which enables me to switch between the accounts, but e.g. from=,
pgp_sign_as=, ...  are not beeing set correctly.

Does anyone have any idea how to solve that problem?

Best regards,

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