* Tim Guirgies <lt.infiltra...@gmail.com> [2011-06-07 03:43:45 +1000]:

> On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 01:31:43PM -0400, Chris Brennan wrote:
> > In just VIm, text wraps to my terminal, even when I explistily set the 
> > following befor typing.
> > 
> > :set wrap
> > :set tw=72
> > 
> > vim still blindly ignores textwidth, if I ditch my overtly long .vimrc,
> > vim obeys like a good dog. but I loose lot of things that I've become 
> > accustomed to lol
> First of all, ":set wrap" only wraps _visually_, which explains why it
> wraps to your terminal.  If you have column display turned on, what does
> it say in the bottom right?
> > My .vimrc has some crazy stuff in it, but nothing that wacky that it 
> > shouldn't see and obey line 104 ... as you can see, I stopped manually 
> > breaking at ~72.
> Also, I forgot to mention that "l" is an option to ":set formatoptions";
> my bad.
> However, what you said leads me to suspect that somewhere in your
> .vimrc, you're doing ":set formatoptions+=l".  Look for that, or
> similar.

ch...@stewie.xaerolimit.net:~$ grep formatoptions .vimrc
98:     " set formatoptions=rq          " Automatically insert comment leader 
on return, and let gq format comments
ch...@stewie.xaerolimit.net:~$ grep formatoptions .vim/after/ftplugin/mail.vim
5:setlocal formatoptions+=w

AFIACT, formatoptions+=l isn't being set in any of my vim files... just to 
be sure...

ch...@stewie.xaerolimit.net:~$ grep -R "formatoptions+=l" .vimrc .vim/
Binary file .vim/temp/mutt-stewie-1000-22169-282303141413050223.swp matches

I love vim, I'm starting to like mutt just as much, but the both of them 
together, equals an unrivaled hated for me! No seriously, I don't know what I
did or didn't do here ... I can make available the following if you want to 
go over it:

.muttrc (password removed of course)

> Tim
> -- 
> () ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
> /\ www.asciiribbon.org   - against proprietary attachments

> A: Yes.
> >Q: Are you sure?
> >>A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> >>>Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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