On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 07:08:11PM +0000, Tony's unattended mail wrote:
> Now, if we consider lousy tools (tools that either fail to facilitate
> standards or needlessly impose extra work on humans), then it can only
> be the contrary of what you're saying.  "Selfish" authors do what is
> convenient for /themselves/, not the reader.  Wrapped text is *easier*
> to write because the author must also read the text as they compose
> it.  Wrapping it during composition and then shipping it as-is is
> therefore a selfish act.  And when dealing with lousy tools, unwrapped
> text is *more difficult* to compose, because as it's written the tool
> is not making it easy for the author to read their own message.

What a load of crap. Wrapped text is not easier to write, you have to
configure it!  Unwrapped text is a lot easier to write because you don't
have to configure it. Also, if the author doesn't find it easy to read
their own message, how on earth is anyone else going to find it easy to
read? And yet they still send it. Now, THAT'S selfish!

I'm guessing that your idea of a tool that isn't lousy would be Mr
Paperclip. :D

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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