On Wed, Feb 06, 2013 at 08:14:24AM +0000, James Griffin <jmz.grif...@kode5.net> 
put forth the proposition:
--> David Woodfall <d...@dawoodfall.net> [2013-02-05 18:46:56 +0000]:

>And I think I've found a problem with my mailboxes commands. When I
>tried changing the mailboxes for mailing lists I suddenly started
>getting a message count in the $folder_format working, so it has to be
>something to do with that I think.

Indeed that was a problem. I also found that only %C, %N and %f work
for imap.

Great stuff, glad you found the solution. It usually is in the man
pages with some trial and error.

Actually it's not in the man pages, but it would have saved me some
time if it had been.

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