--> David Woodfall <d...@dawoodfall.net> [2013-02-05 15:54:45 +0000]:

> Yours gives me:
>        1     (     ) Drafts
>        2     (     ) INBOX
>        3     (     ) Junk
>        4     (     ) Queue
>        5     (     ) Sent
> Apart from the name and index number it's all blank.

Yes, sorry; this format is from the mutt configuration that I use
for Maildir access, not IMAP so it wouldn't of helped much. But, I
was really trying to encourage you to look up some of the printf
sequences and try different combinations. Read what each one does
or rather what data it displays and how it is formatted. It's much
more fun that way anyway. It's good to start out with an example
from someone elses configuration but then go into details and try
out different sequences and other options to get it exactly how you
want it.

Out of interest what Operating system are you using and what
filesystem is it?

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