First, I'd like to thank Tavis for starting this discussion. I am very 
pleased to see I am not the only one struggling with this.

On 29Aug22 13:28-0400, Logan Rathbone wrote:
> FWIW, the solution/compromise I ended up using was to compose
> multipart/alternative mails with mutt, sending a very simple HTML mail
> and a standard hard-wrapped text-based mail as well. So mobile
> mailreaders can read it perfectly, and desktop users can read the
> plaintext version correctly as well.
> Believe it or not, mutt actually has very sophisticated functionality to
> achieve this, and even comes with a sample script called markdown2html
> to assist with this. I tend to write plaintext mails using a subset of
> markdown *anyway*, so it works out very well.
> And since sending such mails would obviously annoy certain people (eg,
> the users of this ML!) I have mutt set up to prompt if I want to send as
> multipart/alternative defaulting to no, as in:
>     set send_multipart_alternative = ask-no

Thanks for that pointer! I am what you might say a true believer in 
text/plain. OTOH, the world is very diverse, and looking only into one 
direction makes me feel missing other people out there. So I tend to 
like this multipart approach.


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