But AFAIK, X11 does not support vsyncing.  There is no way for an X11
application to know when the vsync pulse has hit so it can't really know
when to frame flip.

Also the video hardware has to be able to encode to TV-Out in an
interlaced overscanned mode.  I have only seen the G400 able to do this
properly with DirectFB's help.  matroxset and X11 and the framebuffer
don't do it properly.

I don't know what you're trying to say about an "interlaced overscanned mode." I don't know about TVout cards, but there are lots of cards that can output 480i on the VGA port. It's almost exactly 1/2 VGA (640x480) speed, so the quality is excellent... it just needs to be "tv-encoded." That doesn't affect the VSYNC issue.

Right now I need to do
deinterlacing or I get tearing.

Yup. Exactly.
It's weird though... one would think that with a lack of vsync, there'd be a "tearing vertical roll." There isn't in my setup... the tearpoint is always at the same location. Quite odd.


* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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