On Wed, 2005-02-16 at 14:13 -0500, Cory Papenfuss wrote:
>       I'm not surprised.  That's X protecting you from yourself.  That 
> modeline runs at 480i frequencies and is meant to be displayed "directly" 
> on a TV.

That's what I have.  My TV is plugged directly into my video card with a
connector that Matrox makes for doing that.

>   It has a 15.7kHz horizontal frequency.  In your case, you have a 
> VGA monitor connected and have (correctly) limited the minimum frequency 
> to 28kHz.

Ahhh.  Indeed.

> If you change that to 15kHz, X won't prevent you from using 
> that frequency due to H frequency mismatch.  It also will most likely not 
> work with your VGA monitor and in fact may damage it.

But I have a TV hooked up, so prob(?).

>       You initially asked for:
> "Do you have a modeline that sets a proper ntsc resolution and timing?
> 720/640x480 @ 59.9[sic] cycles/s?"
>       That is what the modeline I provided does.  Proper NTSC resolution 
> and timing with 720x480 visible resolution at 15.7kHz Horiz, 29.97Hz 
> vertical.

I will try it.

> > Do I not also need a corresponding set of framebuffer timings to match
> > the X Modeline?  It was the framebuffer timings that I was referring to
> > before when I said that one set of timings at a given resolution does
> > not seem to work from one card to another.
> >
>       A modeline *defines* the framebuffer timings.

So the Xserver Modeline is a substitute for the timings usually set with
fbset/fb.modes?  That I did not know.


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